….The Upper Eastside Manhattan – IS IT FOR YOU?
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This neighborhood has a little suburban feel to it. Like much of the city, there is an increase in construction. But for the most part, it is a very very quiet place with lots of balconies and warm relaxing views. Fifth Avenue and Park Avenue are arguably the two most wealthiest avenues in the city for residence. Fifth Avenue to Lexington Avenue has a slightly busier and more elegant feel to it than Third Avenue back to the River. On any given day or hour you’ll find residents walking dogs or kids in strollers to and from the park. UESiders are often in gym wear. Nobody is in a rush to get anywhere, and it often feels like a Sunday stroll in this part of the city. It is sprinkled with dry cleaners, salons and gyms. In restaurants and shops people congregate in crowds of family or friends in bundles, unlike the lower Manhattan where it’s often no more than four. Over the years it has flourished and remains a neighborhood of cultural influence and diversity.
UES - Upper Eastside Manhattan NYC - Coop 1BD 1BTH Apartment FOR SALE $465,000.00
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