Foreclosures are coming! Are You READY?
Confidential/ Complimentary/ Consultation REAL ESTATE ADVICE AVAILABLE
The rate of inflation has started to show on the books, and guess what? It's rising! Especially since Covid-19 the demand for purchasing has increased tremendously across the USA, even the globe. More people transferred and or invested into 'real houses' vs. apartment units. Interest rates were very low then, but now they're beginning to climb.
Governments have been doing their best to stabilize their economies by cushioning much of the loss. However, like they say - "all good things must come to an end." Foreclosures in droves are on the horizon. People cannot afford to pay their mortgages for a myriad of reasons, primarily income. Is your home a probability? Do you know your options? Here's some FYI!
How to sell a 'foreclosure property' OR keep and benefit from it?
If your property is at risk of becoming a 'foreclosure property, use home equity investment. Ask me how? This is an opportunity to access equity in your home with no out-of-pocket expense.
It doesn’t matter if the unit is occupied/ unoccupied.
It doesn’t matter if it's a single family, condo, coop, or multifamily unit.
It has to be a residential unit.
No liquid assets are required. No Income verification is required and no DTI. (debt to income ratio)
If you just want to sell your property, 'no strings attached' do a short sale and I'll sell it for you. Get quick cash for a lower value and move on to the next.