TIPS for Loan Approval....

TIPS for Loan Approval....

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How to applying for a Personal Loan online

Get the facts from an expert in the field before you sink into a depression of believing you'll never be qualified to purchase the home of your dream.  Plus what's good in Rome may not apply to the USA.  New York for instance, has it's own set of rules.  No other state is quite like it, so make sure to choose an expert.  Here are some NYC facts:
  • You do not need a 20% down payment to buy a home.   Some financing programs allow as low as 3% down payment for a conforming fixed-rate loan, and in some cases no down payment is required at all. 
  • Monetary gifts from your family is allowed for some or all of the required down payment and/ or closing cost.
  • Low down payments tend to require mortgage insurance which will increase the cost of the loan and your monthly payments.
  • You don't need a perfect credit score.  Some programs will allow you to use utility bills, rent, and mobile phone to show credit history.
  • Do not purchase any BIG TICKET items while you're seeking a loan.  This will affect your credit score. Wait until after the deal/ transaction has been closed.
Financing programs are available for a wide variety of incomes.  When applying for a mortgage, other factors may be considered such as your credit profile, savings and credit score.  Always consult at least two to three different 'bank' options before you make a decision.
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